Scriptural Evidences



Ibn Hazm may Allah have mercy upon him criticised the Torah heavily but he picked out parts of the Torah he believed were authentic .


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He made it very clear that he understood Deuteronomy Chapter 28 to be authentic.


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The Torah and the other Israelite books describe and predict the events which will befall the Children of Israel. We understand that there will be a plethora of views surrounding the authenticity of the books to some degree which we do not have the time to discuss here. But, it is sufficient to note at this point that there are a range of views


Here we will not try to establish which of the two extremes are more correct or likely but we will look at the descriptions of events to see if they stand by themselves as being accurate in history.


Deuteronomy Chapter 28 is a list of events that are written down in the Torah that claim to be the divine outcomes of the Children of Israel for the choices they make in the future.


Deuteronomy 28 is based around the theme of obedience to the One Creator Allah


If the Children of Israel collectively obey the laws and commandments they will have the outcomes mentioned in the Book.


If they disobey and do not keep the commandments then they will suffer the consequences which go through a specific list of outcomes that are compound in nature rather than just one or two of the curses afflicting the subjects.


This list of predicted events based upon the choices made by the Children of Israel would be self refuting if indeed any of the predictions made were not to happen or to happen in a way that would clearly demonstrate that they were just simply made up.


For example, if a people who are Hebrew were to keep the law, as laid down in the rest of the book, but were to befall the same fate as those who are described as not keeping the law. This would obviously highlight a contradiction in the text with reality.


Deuteronomy 28 makes predictions that  don؛t just act as a list of predictions but as a list of descriptions with which to identify the people of the book it is addressed to.


By reading the predictions we should be able to at least recognise them and then use other methods by which to verify or corroborate their accuracy.


For the predictions to be accurate they will have to pass a number of tests.


The first test will have to ascertain whether a people are Hebrew by lineal descent,


Secondly, that people must be in a particular condition either suffering the consequences of disobedience or receiving the blessing described for their obedience.


Then to eliminate the possibility of coincidence or chance, the consequences must be apparent and all should have happened to that people at some stage in their history at the same time of their condition.


Once these can be established it would then create a triangle of corroboration which the existence of one would verify and give weight to the others in the triangle. The triangle consists of: the predictions, the people and the events.


If all the events in the predictions come to pass and have been recorded in history and are beyond question then all that is left is to see if the people themselves are indeed Hebrew.


The probability of all the events being aligned and happening to a Hebrew people would be so ridiculously fantastical and impossible it would be irrational to think such numbers could actually express themselves by chance in the real world.


A mathematical way of expressing this is if we look at the events and consider them being as probabilities that can either happen or not. So, the chance of them happening is 1 in 2.  Now we take virtually all the predictions and look at the possibility of those events being accurately predicted together. There are about 48 separate predictions of which all have a possibility of occurring but whether all of them can be present in one people virtually at the same time by chance would seem to be impossible. It can be expressed like this:


The 48 events being predicted correctly about one people at a particular period of time would amount to 0.000000000000004.  Zero means impossible and 1 meaning completely and definitely going to happen.


The probability of the 48 separate events occurring at the same time is represented by a number which is only possible in some kind of miraculous theory but in reality is impossible.


The Atlantic slave trade from Africa and the resulting condition of the people in slavery are described in Deuteronomy 28.  The events happened of which there is no doubt at all as all are historical and recorded and cannot be denied.


What we are now left with is to prove or at least demonstrate whether the people are indeed a people who are Hebrew in their lineal descent.  I would encourage the fair and open minded person to read through Deuteronomy 28 slowly and compare the events described to the condition of the Bantu people who were taken and their descendants today.


We will leave it to the reader to make his or her mind up as to the accuracy of the events in history and the predictions described.


Oral ——– Scriptures ——– DNA

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